Tera Training Emsworth Sailing Club - Day 1 by Joanna Trafford (JoJo)
Winter training at Emsworth Sailing Club was a big draw for the 6 Worthing Sailing Club Teras. TWGOTs for this winter are:
Theodore Valantin
Jack booth
Nova Robertson
Orson Webb
Tilly Trafford
Lilly Parker
Emsworth sailing club made us all very welcome on 29th October 2022 - the first day of 6 days of winter training which ends in March 2023. The logistics of travel with 6 boats and only one three-boat trailer was logistically surmounted with the fantastically capable detailed organisation of Guy and Aaron.

Packing up the hulls, masts and sails, dagger boards and rudders and trolleys

We assembled the boats in the car park to Emsworth SC Orson deep in concentration

There was a short trolley ride down the lane to the club itself

Arriving at the club to discover a lot of mud but no water

That gave our TWGOTs some time for R&R

And some time for food in the club house

Which was very well equipped - complete with flower arrangements

Boats were then rigged

And the mission briefing given by two excellent coaches, Sam and Gwen, including videos projected onto the wall and explanations of any questions

The water had arrived! The slip way and pontoon were perfect for launching the boats

Suddenly, it was time to get serious

Boats launched and ready to rumble

First session of the day - roll taking and roll gybing - perfect gentle breeze - not too many capsizes!

Boats split into two groups between the coaches - one for tacking; one for gybing

Short break for a snack; a reminder from the coaches to always be on your feet and not your knees when in a boat - and some memory enhancing games for re-enforcement.

And then back out for session number two, but the wind had disappeared and session was sadly abandoned
There was a debrief session and to back it up some really helpful texts to re-enforce the lessons they had learned
1- sheet in a few handfuls
2- shoulders out for windward heel and bear away
3- back foot across
4- pump mainsheet to flick boom across
5- cross boat, stay on feet
6- sit down on other side, straighten tiller
7- swap hands

An absolute pleasure to visit a brilliantly organised and executed day of training by Emsworth sc for the TWGOTs
Very much looking forward to the next one on 26th November